Optimizing Your Product Listing

Before a buyer can make a purchase, they need to see your item in search results and be motivated enough to take a closer look. Shoppers compare prices to make purchasing decisions. They make a purchase only if the details match what they are looking for.

Listing Name and Description

The first step to optimize your listing for conversion should be getting buyers to see your listings in search results.

Your listing name and descriptions can help increase your listing’s rank in the search result. We suggest keeping the name short and informative, but still engaging.

Here are some tips for writing good listing names and descriptions:

  • Keeping the listing name short, informative and attention-grabbing.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords that buyers often use to search for similar items.
  • Include important information that will help buyers best understand your product e.g. usage tips, care instructions, etc.
  • Include specific details like the brand, model, size, and color to provide a comprehensive overview.
  • Avoid using all capital letters in titles or descriptions, as this can be perceived as shouting.

Listing Photos

Before a buyer makes a purchase, they need to see your listing and take a closer look. Here are some tips to consider when optimizing your listing for conversion.

Your listing’s first photo is the display photo representing the item you are selling. It is important to ensure that the display photo motivates buyers to click and take a closer look before they can make a purchase. The display photo should clearly show the item you are selling and be eye-catching enough that buyers want to take a closer look.

Here are tips on photos to include in each listing:

  • Present your items with high-quality photos that showcase their features and details effectively.
  • Capture images from multiple angles in a well-lit environment to give potential buyers a comprehensive view of the product.
  • Consider using a clear or white background to keep the focus on the item itself.
  • Click this link for more tips on how to make good product photos.

Click this link for more tips on how to make good product photos.


Buyers compare prices when looking at search results, so your listing price can also affect whether or not a buyer clicks on your listing. Be sure to list items across price points to reach buyers with varying budgets.

Here are some tips to consider when setting price points for your listings:

  • Set a competitive and reasonable price for your products.
  • Conduct market research to understand how other sellers are pricing similar items.
  • If needed, adjust your pricing strategy to align with market trends or choose a competitive price to sell items more quickly.

Delivery Times and Delivery Fees

Order processing and delivery times may influence a buyer’s purchase decision. Also, buyers may factor in the delivery fees when deciding to make a purchase. A buyer who likes your listing could easily be turned off by expensive delivery fees. Consider adding some of your delivery costs into the item price so you can lower the delivery fee you charge customers.

Here are some few tips to consider in what you charge for delivery.

  • Provide accurate and transparent delivery information, including estimated delivery times and delivery costs.
  • Offer multiple shipping options if possible, allowing buyers to choose the one that best suits their needs.
  • Keep buyers’ expectations in mind when setting your order processing and delivery time.
  • When you have ready-to-dispatch items in stock try to avoid unnecessary padding of your processing time and instead deliver as fast as possible.

Inventory Availability

Keep product listings up to date with accurate information on product availability. If an item is out of stock, mark it as such to prevent customers from making unfulfillable orders.

6. Customer Reviews and Ratings

Encourage customers to leave reviews and ratings for your products after a purchase. Respond to customer inquiries and reviews in a timely and professional manner to build trust.