Seller Center

Selling on WOOKEIN

Now is your time to make extra cash! Whether you run a big business or a small store, you can apply to sell directly on WOOKEIN and connect with our active shoppers. Here's how it works:
1. Apply to Sell:

To get started, apply to become a seller via our app or website. Your application will be immediately placed on the waitlist to appear on the WOOKEIN marketplace.

Apply To Sell on Wookein
2. Application Review:

Your application will go through a review process to ensure it aligns with our platform's standards and policies. Our goal is to maintain a trusted and quality shopping experience for our customers.

3. Acceptance and Store Creation:

Once your application is accepted, you will receive a notification to proceed with creating your store. This is where you can showcase your products and build your brand presence.

Register and Apply

1. Register and Apply

Click "Sell on WOOKEIN" to begin the process. You will need to complete the vendor application form with accurate and genuine information about you and your store.

2. Subscription Plans

You can select from different subscription plans:

  • Free: Get started without any upfront cost.
  • Standard: Unlock additional features to enhance your selling experience
  • Premium: Access premium tools and resources to grow your business
3. Store Front Creation

Now it's time to create your store front. This is your opportunity to make a great first impression on potential customers. Share your store's story, mission, and the unique products you offer

4. Add Your Products

Start adding your products to your store. Provide detailed descriptions, pricing, and high-quality images. This is where you can truly showcase what makes your products special

5. Manage Your Store

You have full control over your store. You can edit and update your product listings, monitor orders, and engage with customers

Product Listing Guidelines:

Learn about the requirements for creating product listings on WOOKEIN, specifying photo quality, dimensions, background color, and file size:
1. Use Standout Names and Descriptions:
  • Create product titles and descriptions that are both informative and attention-grabbing
  • Incorporate relevant search terms and keywords that buyers often use to search for similar items
  • Include specific details like the brand, model, size, and color to provide a comprehensive overview
  • Avoid using all capital letters in titles or descriptions, as this can be perceived as shouting
2. High-Quality Photos:
  • Present your items with high-quality photos that showcase their features and details effectively
  • Capture images from multiple angles in a well-lit environment to give potential buyers a comprehensive view of the product
  • Consider using a clear or white background to keep the focus on the item itself
3. Competitive Pricing:
  • Set a competitive and reasonable price for your products
  • Conduct market research to understand how other sellers are pricing similar items
  • If needed, adjust your pricing strategy to align with market trends or choose a competitive price to sell items more quickly
4. Shipping Information:
  • Provide accurate and transparent shipping information, including estimated delivery times and shipping costs
  • Offer multiple shipping options if possible, allowing buyers to choose the one that best suits their needs
5. Detailed Product Information:
  • Ensure that product listings include comprehensive details about the item, including specifications, dimensions, materials, and care instructions
  • Include any relevant product variations, such as size or color options
6. Clear Return and Refund Policy:
  • Clearly communicate your return and refund policy to buyers
  • Outline the process for returns, exchanges, and refunds to create a trustworthy shopping experience
7. Inventory Availability:
  • Keep product listings up to date with accurate information on product availability
  • If an item is out of stock, mark it as such to prevent customers from making unfulfillable orders
8. Customer Reviews and Ratings:
  • Encourage customers to leave reviews and ratings for your products after a purchase
  • Respond to customer inquiries and reviews in a timely and professional manner to build trust
9. Compliance with Legal Regulations:
  • Ensure that your product listings comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, including safety standards and labeling

By following these guidelines and recommendations, you can create product listings that are informative, appealing, and competitive, enhancing the overall shopping experience for your customers on your e-commerce platform

Product Listing Photo Requirements:

1. Photo Quality:
  • Product photos should be high-quality, clear, and well-lit to accurately represent the item
  • Images should not be blurry, pixelated, or distorted
2. Photo Dimensions:
  • Each product photo should have dimensions of 800 pixels in width and 700 pixels in height
  • Ensure that the aspect ratio is maintained to prevent distortion
3. Background-Color:
  • The background of product photos should be plain white or of a neutral, unobtrusive color
  • Avoid busy backgrounds or patterns that may distract from the product
4. File Size:
  • Product image file sizes should not exceed 50 kilobytes (KB)
  • Compress images or save them in an optimized format to meet this size limit
5. Image Format:
  • Product photos should be in standard image formats such as JPEG or PNG
  • Ensure the images are saved with a reasonable level of compression to balance quality and file size
6. Multiple Angles:
  • Consider including multiple images of the product from different angles to provide a comprehensive view
  • Showcase important details, features, and any variations available
7. No Watermarks or Logos:
  • Product photos should not contain watermarks, logos, or text that could obstruct the view of the product
8. Consistency:
  • Maintain a consistent style and background for all product photos within a category or collection
  • This helps create a cohesive and professional look
9. Accurate Representation:
  • Ensure that the product photos accurately represent the item you are selling
  • Avoid using filters or effects that significantly alter the product's appearance
10. Mobile Responsiveness:
  • Confirm that product images are mobile-friendly and adjust to various screen sizes
11. Image File Naming:
  • Use clear and descriptive file names for your product images. For example, "product-name-front.jpg" and "product-name-back.jpg" for different angles.
12. Copyright and Licensing:
  • Only use images for which you have the necessary rights, licenses, or permissions
  • Respect copyright and intellectual property laws

By adhering to these product photo requirements, you can ensure that your store front maintains a professional and consistent visual standard, which can enhance the shopping experience for your customers